V1.5.2.214 Changelog
Posted August 22, 2023

Hey everyone, a new update is now available via the Fenix App - in this one, from an FM perspective, we’ve further refined the flare phase, taken a smidge of float out during landing, rectified the flap 3 drag situation, and sorted out the nose smashing down on landing instantly. Avionics wise, a few fixes here and there, mostly targeted at polishing VNAV, and fixing certain restrictions being improperly parsed by the aircraft. We’ve also fixed high CPU usage across both Fenix bootstrapper, and the Fenix app itself - thanks to the reports sent in by affected customers, along with nabbing several crash fixes for better stability, and picking off some irritating bugs in the panel state selection process. The art team has thrown in several fixes of their own based on customer feedback, which you can view in the changelog below, and some further sound improvements.
Oh, also, Saturn V mode was disabled during rotation. Sorry bout that. Enjoy 🙂
A320 CFM V1.5.2.214
- Adjusted G/A trigger
- Fixed high altitude speed constraint reported with LIRF approach
- Several crash fixes
- Fixed panel state issues with unable to start engines without cycling master levers
- Fixed DES engagement from cruise equal to ALT CST, dist to dest must be < 200nm (reported on one of the KPHX arrivals from FL340)
- Fixed G/A on wrong flaps conf target
- Fixed MANUAL leg's termination is not used as map ref point in plan mode
- Fixed speed/altitude constraints missing criteria
- Corrected restricting speed constraints below ECON on DES
- Corrected not restricting speed constraints above ECON on DES
- Improved ALT* in DES
- Made LVLCH in DES mode more aggressive
- Reprioritised below profile and overspeed relationship
- Fixed occasional inccorect TOD placement over LNAV path
- Fixed routing after discontinuity+manual leg when inserting SID/STAR/VIAs
- High altitude speed constraints should appear in mach and be satisfied/ignored as such
- Unrestrictive speed constraints are ignored, the actual speed displayed on that waypoint including (SPD LIM)
- Added +/- is not allowed with speed constraint entry in MCDU -> FORMAT ERROR
- Allow empty CSTR value
- Fixed reversed L/DEV
- Retuned alpha protection to prevent oscillations
- Fixed blending bug in FLARE to GROUND MODE preventing correct blend being applied
- Adjusted FLARE MODE to GROUND MODE transition logic
- Adjusted FLARE MODE nose down controller with corrected data type
- Adjusted FLARE MODE sidestick input Nz feedback
- Adjusted spoiler deployment profile
- Adjusted elevator input Nz data processing during post-touchdown to fix nose-down smashing
- Adjusted Flap 3 drag values
- Adjusted rotation weight/feel for greater weight
- Fixed overly bright cockpit in some scenarios
- Added SPEED BRAKE text on pedestal
- Fixed wind sound disappearing in cruise (who knew TAS could go above 500)
- Cockpit wind noise in high mach cruise improved
- Fixed N2 whine and buzzsaw LP bug (engines should sound better in cockpit & cabin now)
- Improved initial spool (20-50N1) sounds and balancing
- Fixed stereo width on AEVC and cockpit pack samples
- Taxiing sounds improved
- Nosewheel on runway lights sound improved
- Contactors improved (more to come in B2)
- Y elec pump volume adjusted
- Fuel pumps volume and balance adjusted