Performance, and some other little bits
Posted August 5, 2023

So, as promised, I’ve got some data for you all on how the new V2 Block 1 software is performing. I will immediately, and upfront, say that this data will vary system by system - and that these are meant to illustrate what we’ve managed to do across a range of configurations, but that your end result may be slightly different.
Regardless, the team has put in a little over a thousand hours across various departments in order to attempt rectifying our, frankly, poor performance on customer PCs. We weren’t happy with the laggy experience you were having, but sadly there was no quick fix. In order to do this, we committed to a total rebuild of our display render pipeline, along with auditing the V1 model and systems code in order to squeeze out every last drop of FPS and VRAM efficiency we possibly could. In short, many sleepless nights. I am personally quite pleased with the end result, and below, I have attached some benchmarks from our beta team across their various hardware configurations to provide as clear a picture for you as possible.
System specs are listed in the charts, along with resolution - and any payware airports used. All the tests are rolling tests, meant to indicate what you would see when on a takeoff roll.
All in, a worthwhile return on the investment we made to bring better performance to the product. Hopefully the variety of results help illustrate the all-round boost we’re looking to bring with Block 1.
In other news, despite shipping EFBv1 with Block 1, we have made little improvements here and there, some have been requested for quite some time, and others are functionality improvements to charts and such.
For example, we now have new Navigraph mapping tiles in the “MAP” section of the Navigraph app. It looks fantastic to my eye, and I now use it exclusively for taxi - it is a moving map, and you can have the aircraft displayed on it if you wish.
Finally, much requested was the 180PAX layout, now sadly - we’re not able to support both 162 and 180 in V1, but we will endeavor to make it possible to switch between them in the future. For now, we have updated the layout to 180!
That’s all from me today, RC testing continues, and I remain confident that we’ll be getting this out to you all next week.