MSFS 2024 Compatibility
Posted November 24, 2024
Hi everyone,
This update brings initial compatibility with MSFS 2024 - all customers have been upgraded free of charge. You can install this in the latest version of the Fenix Installer. This is not simply the 2020 version ported, we’ve rebuilt the package with the 2024 SDK and in the process, have taken advantage of several of the new features present in 2024. Once we’ve all had more time with the new platform and a few of the bigger issues are resolved, we’ll be back to really sink our teeth into new items like the modular SimObject system, and an “enhanced” walk-around mode.
However, a disclaimer before we continue: We consider MSFS 2024 support entirely experimental at this stage and DO NOT consider 2024 compatibility an “advertised” feature, and as such we have not updated our store etc to reflect - this is down to the fact that we do not yet feel confident in the stability of the new simulator/platform, and do not want to begin taking customers’ money on this basis while being unable to guarantee a smooth experience. As a result, please be advised we will not be considering refund requests on the basis of MSFS 2024 experiences/issues - additionally, we will not be accepting customer support tickets in the 2024 environment at this time. We’ve created a community forum area for 2024 so folks can discuss things amongst themselves and we can have some sort of visibility into how things are going, though.
All changes apply to both 2024 and 2020 versions of the aircraft unless otherwise mentioned. Loads of tasty changes within, some highlights:
1 - 4x SimRate is now supported (experimentally)
2 - Attempted further fixes at both crazy wingflex flapping and FBW oscillations with several optimisation passes
3 - Entirely reworked the fuel flow math for current and projected data - EFOB should be pretty accurate/reliable now, along with most other places requesting fuel flow in any capacity
4 - Gently retuned the FBW normal law and handflight feel after customer feedback with the aim to achieve slightly more weighting/inertia (flare and rotation unaffected)
5 - Rebuilt the airmass temperature simulation - we adjusted and corrected for the factors of human to cabin environment heat exchange, PAX now give off correct amount of heat to the airmass simulation within the cabin on a per-PAX basis (correct to the number of occupied seats and location) - built cabin insulation simulation in order to dynamically ramp aircraft skin heat-exchange relationship with the external environment - added considerations for fuse skin friction heating, air density, etc., affecting the environment within the aircraft in addition to PAX generating heat. Adjusted pnuematic inflow/outflow rates and temperatures to correct for A320 type behaviour e.g. expect the PCA to be reasonably useless when in temperature extremes and with PAX on board, switching to the APU to contain and retain comfortable cabin temperatures may now be necessary. Doors now affect overall airmass temperature simulation in addition to the cockpit windows (which have been retuned also) - opening a door will affect the zone temperature first before propagating through the entire airmass simulation. If temperatures are extreme and all doors are open, aircraft environmental control will NOT be able to keep up with demands - if in extreme conditions and needing to quickly cool/heat the cabin, close all doors. Pay heed :)
Known Issues (MSFS 2024)
- We’ve only had MSFS 2024 for a few days, so there may be some issues - please be patient with us as we learn this new sim platform alongside you.
- To enter the cockpit from the outside, you will need to press
(or whatever you’ve assigned to “TAKE CONTROL OF CHARACTER”). We plan to add more click spots at a later stage. - Liveries installed via the livery manager and externally won’t have thumbnails. We plan to update this later.
- Lights are too dim during the day (affects most MSFS 2024 aircraft).
- Some sounds disappear occasionally (known MSFS 2024 issue).
- Detail/normal maps are missing on some surfaces (known MSFS 2024 issue, fix due in the first major patch).
- Registration/SELCAL plate shows with black text.
- Cockpit display brightness and reflectivity inconsistent at times.
Clicking on the EFB sometimes takes a few attempts.Fixed in v2.3.0.541- The installer takes slightly longer at the “scanning” stage, this is something we’ll optimise.
Avionics and Systems
- Added experimental support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024, as well as addressing 2024-specific changes required in systems code
- Added 4x sim rate (experimental for now, let us know if you run into any issues with it)
- Rewrote EFOB (and general fuel flow prediction) computation/math
- Added new granular cruise/climb/des fuel flow
- Replumbed all requests pertaining to fuel flow data
- Attempted fly-by-wire oscillation fix for all users
- Optimised fly-by-wire CPU usage
- Gently retuned fly-by-wire normal law “feel” for slightly more inertia/weighting - flare/rotation is unaffected
- Rebuilt general pneumatic airmass temperature simulation through the aircraft
- Tuned AP roll
- Improved wing flex on lower performing systems
- Improved PFD colours and grey
- Refactored some internal systems in preparation for state saving
- Fixed A319 IAE not being able to enter managed speed in certain cases
- Fixed outer to inner tank valve appearing on non-jet pump config aircraft
- Fixed SD CRUISE vibration values blinking instead of pulsing
- Fixed OIL QTY displaying incorrect value when failed
- Fixed incorrect indications on F/CTL page during failures
- Fixed double text on waypoint/symbol names
- Fixed ND TCAS range markings showing at 10 NM
- Fixed ROSE ND range rings showing when in TCAS range
- Fixed being unable to enter A321 MZFW as the limit was too low
Art and Sound
- Added experimental support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
- Added MSFS 2024 native WORKING WIPERS 🚨😲☔ (first airliner with ‘working’ wipers in 2020, and again in 2024)
- Developed new glass material to more accurately show the double flash of the SL strobes
- Added collision to stairs to support 2024 walkaround
- Fixed chart/reading light always showing as on from external view
- Fixed GPU clipping with GSX tug
- Fixed ISIS missing ATT and BARO text
- Fixed open windows blocking EFB interactions
- Fixed visual issues with ISIS light detector
- Fixed slight kink on both wings with new wingflex
- Fixed aircraft rolling out of the hangar
- Fixed missing FAP decal from exterior
- Fixed fastener type on cockpit windows
- Fixed issue with LCD simulation causing colour offsets at some brightness levels
- Added a delay before connecting the GPU on arrival
- Added an option to disable the ambient display sensor for users who pop out displays
- Improved logging around departure performance calculation
- Improved memory usage
- Fixed changing units during GSX refuelling loading an incorrect fuel amount
- Fixed MACTOW mismatch on final load sheet when using “fast” or “real-time” load methods
- Fixed situation causing ACT empty tank weights to not be set when loading in
- Fixed display of OFP formats that don’t have bookmarks (like SWA)
- Fixed map not showing for non-Navigraph users
- Added support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
- Added support for installing into multiple simulators, including correct handling of dependencies
- Added automatic camera preset file copying between MSFS 2020 and MSFS 2024 (your saved camera views should be there when you first load in)
Livery Manager
- Added support for Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024
- Fixed some typos in country names